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MeganeMogwai • 1 year ago

The scene with Guts looking after Casca will always be my favourite scenes ever in terms of period stigma. Guts sees that she's bleeding, KNOWS what is happening and doesn't get grossed out and flinch away. He even expresses sympathy for her. We need more people like Guts.

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

Dude Guts killed people DAILY for his living. Just a last ep or something he strikes out a kid with his own hands. Why would he be remotely grossed out by some random woman bleeding?

Claude • 1 year ago

Y’all attention seeking simps lol

MeganeMogwai • 1 year ago

Dude, who am I simping for here? I'm a girl, I dont need no pussy, I got my own. Grow the fuck up.

Kami_Whis • 1 year ago

Women have no business on a simping nerd anime site as it's sacred.
Sir Adon ^^

aTEKIDA • 1 year ago

Nani ona

Denji The Knot Devil • 1 year ago

My ex was always the most aroused doing her menstrual cycle, in fact she didn't bleed at all at night and I'll save you the finer details but she never made it through a day that week celibate.

I get that no two women have the same experience but seeing as I grew up around five women, it never grossed me out. Maybe I'm just weird. I'd even go buy menstruation pads and tampons for my gf, mother and sisters so I don't know why idiot men think of stigmatizing a woman over something she biologically cannot control. Strange that when it's not leaking fluids of the red kind they put their tongues and other things there to extract juices. Double standards in my book. They should just stigmatize it completely and refrain from engaging in any type of activity that would lead to things getting leaky. 🙄

Pakray M • 1 year ago

Tell us more oh enlightened one.
Please tell us how awesome you are and what none sexual, vaginal services have you preformed and how have those actions elevated your wisdom and superiorize you morally compared to the rest of us plebeian cavemen.
Do tell Shaw sama...DO

Jacques 'Iris' Adiang • 1 year ago

It's still gross. I don't have to like it or not feel the way i feel. That being said, i'll never deliberately make a woman feel weird about it. If i have to help, i will but it's still gross. Next, you'll ask us not to be grossed by poo just cuz it comes from a woman's ass and it's natural.

JDC • 1 year ago

you obviously never ate a girl out on her period and it shows LOL

Jacques 'Iris' Adiang • 1 year ago

yup, no thanks.

james trenton • 1 year ago

lmao TELL EM

Xyrus • 1 year ago

I don't know about you but I biologically cannot stop the call of nature and yet I am disgust of it myself.

PettankoLovingCunnyseur • 1 year ago

I hope we don't get this habit of just remaking Golden Age over and over.

anime fan! • 1 year ago

i think its pretty much already the case

MarkZ • 1 year ago

Lol, you kidding? This is like the 3rd or 4th (... or 5th..?) remake... They definitely got in the habit of it, and long ago too. What's especially amazing though is how shit most of those where too, you'd think by now even a monkey would learn...

DopeD • 1 year ago

Like the love they are giving to this series. But also had the same feeling. Why not with all due respect just try to animate the rest of the manga and end it with a proper (open) ending at the end.

joblesshobo • 1 year ago

Sucks to have menstruation cramps in the middle of something important.

GreenTea Gal • 1 year ago

lol i love how this isn't really how having a period works. if anything she would have fought better

Captain Oblivious • 1 year ago

You must be from one of those countries with low grade education...

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

I wouldn't say low grade ed, just extreme misoginy UwU :3

GreenTea Gal • 1 year ago

lol 😂 sure hun

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Dude im a nurse, what makes you think a cramp makes you perform better? In fact if athletes get cramps in their legs or arms during a match its usually GG for them. It is basically a short term handicap for the player.

Now im no physical therapist, by all means but if youre Casca and she needs to swing a sword and concentrate on dodging fatal blows and follow up with her own strikes a mere existence of physical pain and cramping will distract you from performing at your best, breaking concentration. Definitely not something you want when its life or death on the battlefield.

vovan1 • 1 year ago

lol, hows having blood pumping out of you, improves your fighting?

GreenTea Gal • 1 year ago

lol not that part. the joke is that women get super irritable / violent for those 4 days out the month

vovan1 • 1 year ago

i wonder if Casca had periods most of time in serie. That could explain her behavior a lot . JK

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

löl imagine the only time she's on screen she's having her periods xD TT______TT So funny yet so tragic & misoginistic löl

vovan1 • 1 year ago

believe me, before i watched this episode, i really forgat girls had this reason to be annoying. Some even have it everyday :D

Kami_Whis • 1 year ago

She has Guts related mensis!

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 • 1 year ago

The best moment of this season is "Guts slayer of 100 men".

NetroLancer • 1 year ago

Flashback was quite rough to see.

zephyro • 1 year ago

I can't watch any of these 2FPS flashback anymore

Chryslr • 1 year ago

And thus, the Hundred Man Slayer was born.

Xyrus • 1 year ago

The Legend that even those surrounds him doesn't know he is The Legend.

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

Good anime worst thing is to have menstruation cramps and period in any battle beserk is good he will take great care of her you'll see.

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

Dude.. I'm like... Casca, sis, you're a woman. What kind of sword goes out of orders a few days a month huh?

Blackhole Sun • 1 year ago

to my view as a man, the only thing a man can get closer into the menstrual period cramps, is when your balls get kicked.

MeganeMogwai • 1 year ago

I'd say it's more probably getting kicked in the balls at certain intervals not knowing you're gonna be kicked in the balls and for this to keep happening for at least 3 days.

Secretcodrin • 1 year ago

So it's like getting kicked in the balls

RavensDagger • 1 year ago

Yesh I was like
How can you do it !?

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 • 1 year ago

The Intro shows characters from later seasons

majaketrix • 1 year ago

ohhh they forgot to put 'cultured' on the title 😂😂

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

How is berserk not in Fall 2022 anime voting maybe its not as popular as the other but its good.

Kaelina Vanfeld • 1 year ago

The OP lyrics be like:
"shits confirmed, firm and all, thru confirmed excrete..."

Rev • 1 year ago

Remember. If someone gets a fever, strip them naked. Always.

MarkZ • 1 year ago

Naked is ALWAYS better than wet clothes actually, so yeah, regardless of fever, you should always avoid them unless you're in a desert, burning building, or other super hot situation where you're interested in lowering body heat.

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Well, if they have a fever, your goal is to reduce factors that cause loss of body heat, remember that wet clothes accelerate the risk for hypothermia. The cold wet damp clothes are absorbing her body heat. If she had dry clothes on it would be perfectly fine to leave them on. Source: Im a nurse.

Even burn victims many would think to strip them but it is the opposite, you want to warm them up because theyre actually at risk of losing body heat from their open burn wounds exposured to the air.

vovan1 • 1 year ago

And warm them with your body!

confusingXfate • 1 year ago

Guts, the man who took on and entire army with ease....well, somewhat with ease

zack ll • 1 year ago

The first movie is good but the sequel ..3d animation makes it not worth the watch..